PCX 20/50 Heavyweight Plate CompactorsUsed for soil compaction on new developments, repairs and maintenance jobs with large aggregates, cohesive material or moist content. This plate is a hard hitting but user friendly machine in the heavy weight class. PCX20/50 has outstanding compaction features and is the heaviest forward plate compactor in the range.
Belle pcx 20a compactor plate
PCX 20A Special Delta Plate CompactorBelle PCX 20A is a specially designed forward plate to compact asphalt with a focus on versatility. These plates are often used for repair work as a complement to larger asphalt machines.
Other variants
MPC 300 Extra Lightweight Plate Compactor A plate compactor offering excellent portability and manoeuvrability. The MPC 300 is ideal for DIY and light professional applications.
PCEL 320X Extra Lightweight Plate Compactor Altrad Belle's Lightweight, Single Direction Vibration Plate compactor is specially designed for confined areas of granular soil in narrow trenches, interlocking blocks, footpath construction and maintenance, trenches and pipelines, sportsgrounds, landscaping and groundwork engineering.
PCEL 400E Lightweight Electric Plate Compactor A lightweight durable compaction plate with low Hand Arm Vibration and high performance compaction. Designed with an environmentally friendly Electric Motor for use indoors and poorly ventilated areas.
PCLX 12/40E Lightweight Electric Plate Compactor A lightweight professional compaction plate with high performance and travel speed from the 12kN vibration unit. Designed with an environmentally friendly Electric Motor for use indoors and poorly ventilated areas.
PCLX 16/45E Heavyweight Electric Plate Compactor A heavyweight professional plate with excellent performance and travel speed from the 16kN vibration unit.Designed with an environmentally friendly Electric Motor for use indoors and poorly ventilated areas.
PCLX 320 & 400 Midweight Plate Compactors Midweight professional compaction plates with low Hand Arm Vibration and high performance compaction. The PCLX is designed for contracting and rental use.
PCLX 320 Streetworks Midweight HAUC Plate Compactor A midweight single direction plate compactor. With over 1400kg/m2 of compaction, this machine exceeds the HAUC requirements for the reinstatement of footpaths.
PCX 12/36 & 13/40 Heavyweight Combination Plate Compactors Heavyweight professional compaction plates with low HAV and very high performance compaction. Designed with a shorter baseplate to offer improved compaction, manoeuvrability and finish.
PCX 16/45 & 16/50 Heavyweight Plate Compactors Heavyweight professional compaction plates with low Hand Arm Vibration levels, very high performance compaction and travels speeds.
PCX 17/50A Special Delta Plate Compactor A single direction plate designed ultimately for compaction of asphalt and Macadam surfaces. This plate compactor features a special tapered base plate to help avoid track marks.
PCX 20/45 & 20/50 Heavyweight Plate Compactors Used for soil compaction on new developments, repairs and maintenance jobs with large aggregates, cohesive material or moist content. This plate is a hard hitting but user friendly machine in the heavy weight class. PCX20/50 has outstanding compaction features and is the heaviest forward plate compactor in the range.
PCX 20A Special Delta Plate Compactor Belle PCX 20A is a specially designed forward plate to compact asphalt with a focus on versatility. These plates are often used for repair work as a complement to larger asphalt machines.
PCX 450 & 500 Heavyweight Plate Compactors Professional compaction plates with low Hand Arm Vibration and very high performance compaction. The PCX is designed to offer maximum compaction and is engineered for contracting and rental use.
PCX 60A Multi-Purpose Forward Plate Compactor Multi Purpose Forward Plate Compactor. The ultimate combination of weight, power and versatility enables this Compactor Plate to perform in a multitude of applications to the highest standard.
SF 460 Special Force Plate Compactor On soil and difficult ground conditions the SF 460 makes good progress when other machines can get stuck. A well proven design that has been engineered to give many years service in harsh conditions.
MPC 300 Extra Lightweight Plate CompactorA plate compactor offering excellent portability and manoeuvrability. The MPC 300 is ideal for DIY and light professional applications.
PCLX 320 & 400 Midweight Plate Compactors Midweight professional compaction plates with low Hand Arm Vibration and high performance compaction. The PCLX is designed for contracting and rental use.
PCLX 320 Streetworks Midweight HAUC Plate Compactor A midweight single direction plate compactor. With over 1400kg/m2 of compaction, this machine exceeds the HAUC requirements for the reinstatement of footpaths.
Belle wacker compacter plates pcx 20 / 45
PCX 20/45 Heavyweight Plate CompactorsUsed for soil compaction on new developments, repairs and maintenance jobs with large aggregates, cohesive material or moist content. This plate is a hard hitting but user friendly machine in the heavy weight class. PCX20/45 has outstanding compaction features and is the heaviest forward plate compactor in the range.